Different Types of Playground Inspections and Why They Matter

Playground inspections are just some of the things we can’t take for granted. Playgrounds should be sanctuaries for our children. While there are innate risks that come with child’s play, it is the playground management’s responsibility to minimise this risk in the best ways possible.

Thus, playground inspections play a crucial part in ensuring the safety of our children. Regular comprehensive inspections are musts. Your playground should have a reliable and expert playground inspections partner for all its needs.

There are different types of playground inspections, and your playground’s management team should cover all these diligently.

Here are three main types of playground inspections:

1. Post Installation / Incident Inspections: This is done after playground installation and before opening the grounds to the public. This type of inspection guarantees that the playground adheres to the requirements of AS 4685 and AS4422, which are your assurance that the playground is up to par with Australian regulatory requirements.

This sort of inspection is also done after an incident or accident. A thorough inspection is required before reopening the facility to the public. This ensures that the incident wouldn’t happen again.

2. Annual Inspections: An annual playground inspection is a requirement that will guarantee the continued conformity of your facility with overall equipment safety and playground surface safety regulations.

Facilities – especially those regularly used by the public – naturally go through wear and tear. An annual inspection is a way to guarantee their continued safety for children’s use.

3. Operational inspections: Responsible playground management means scheduling regular playground inspections. Typically, operational inspections should be carried out every 1 to 3 months, depending on playground traffic. If there are lots of kids who use the playground, then operational inspections should be done in shorter intervals.

These inspections check for missing, loose or moving parts, inadequate undersurfacing, corrosion and more.

Know more about playground inspections. Get in touch with Playinspect today.
